I’m at my best when I’m myself.

...So are YOU!

My Story (...so far)
I'm the eldest of five born in a small Kenyan town. My Dad, a serial entreprenuer and Mum a brilliant school teacher, did their best to give us the best life they could —but it was always a struggle.

During school holidays, I accompanied my grandfather (Guka) traveling for miles on foot, fundraising to build churches and schools in remote villages. Although it was challenging, he did it voluntarily and cheerfully, and I tagged along just to hang out with him.

When I was about 9, I started questioning why he endured such challenges. He responded, with what would eventually be my business mantra. "Everyone has the right to define success for themselves and the quickest path to that goal is to find a way to serve the most people."

(To be honest, at the time I thought he just dodged my question 🤔)
My parents raised us while supporting their own siblings. Meanwhile, education was REALLY expensive. If I was going to get through college, I was going to have to step up.

—This was when Guka's words👆came flooding back. "...find a way to serve the most people."

At 19, I used my entire tuition grant to bootstrap a coin-operated pool table empire. Picture me, traveling across Kenya in buses, transporting pool tables, and stashing duffel bags of coins under my dorm room bed (since I didn't even have a bank account!) 😆 

Despite the need for secrecy (due to my💰stash), this venture was a smashing success, helping with my siblings tuition, putting me through college and providing a boost for my parents.

I was on the brink of becoming a pool table kingpin but nature had other plans...
Maiden Voyage into Entrepreneurship
My Guka & I
What's a
Green Card?
A few years later, I was one of just a few people worldwide, selected into the U.S. State Department's green card lottery. By this time, I had built another impressive business that was on the verge of exploding 🚀🚀🚀, so I didn't feel like a winner at the time …and yet I'd hit the jackpot in life, quite literally. 

My first flight to America was the shortest 24hr flight I ever took. As I sat on that plane, nerves jangling, with a one-year-old son in my arms and a hundred bucks in my pocket I was genuinely terrified. I embarked on this solo journey without the support of everyone I had known up to this point in my life But I was determined to improve my family's life and make a meaningful difference.

On that flight, deep down knew I was going to return to entrepreneurship, but I had left my entire support system back home. Yet I still believed "it takes a village" to do incredible work. I had to build another village (in a strange land) —Yikes! 😬
Acclimating to a foreign land involved epic culture shock plus a variety of menial jobs starting with a memorable misstep at a Subway interview (where I shot myself in the foot by asking what I believed was the "ultimate question for an interviewer" - "What's a sub?" - and sadly, the callback never came, 😅).

One of my first jobs was as a social worker for the Department of Mental Health, extensively engaging with Therapists for my clients. What became evident was that Therapists pursue this profession not solely for financial gain; it demands significant personal sacrifice exceeding the compensation. It's a genuine call to serve others. Simultaneously, I observed the ongoing shortage of Therapists.

Unfortunately, the administrative burden and excessive computer work often took precedence over positively impacting my clients.
Early days in the
US of A.
The Practice of Practice
In 2007, I transitioned from Mental Health to IT consulting, collaborating with my co-founder Amy to serve healthcare providers in private practices.

In early 2020, we launched a tech-enabled IOP Addiction Clinic, leveraging our software. The fast success was due to our foresight in preparing our technology for COVID lockdowns, ensuring our practice operated fully virtually, even including payment workflows. As inquiries poured in from other providers during the lockdown, we recognized the clear market need.

Rather than trying to play "hero", we decided to be the best "wingman" for the real life heroes —Therapists, by sharing our platform with the Mental Health community.
As TiQ's CEO (aka Chief Experience Officer), I live my own NatureCrafted dream by:

💫 Creating a tech platform that empowers forward thinking Practices to serve more people (with the same resources or less) 🦾

💫 Empowering my team's holistic growth, as professionals & as human beings 🤗

💫 Building value for our Shareholders & Investors who continue to provide fuel to our fire 🔥

Living up to the challenge set by my beloved Guka – serving as many people as possible (through serving others).

For a kid born with a unique hand, in a tiny one bedroom house, in a tiny town, in a 3rd world country —How freakin’ awesome is that!? 
Current Adventure

My Story

I’m the first of 5 kids born in a small town in Kenya. I was born to a Dad who was a factory worker and my Mum a brilliant school teacher.

One of my earliest memories was spending school holidays traveling (mostly on foot) with my Grandfather (Guka), who would fundraise to build churches and schools in remote villages. It was HARD work but he did it voluntarily —I just wanted to hang out with him, so I tagged along.

As you can imagine we heard more no’s than you can imagine because fundraising is HARD. I was about 9 years old when I started questioning why my Guka would put himself through this mental and physical torture. So I asked him.

Without missing a beat he explained [ translating from Swahili ] that every human being has a right to define what “success” means to them. Adding that over the years he learned that the shortest path to success (however you define it for yourself) is to find a way to serve the most number of people

To be honest, At the time I honestly thought he just dodged my question.
Maiden voyage in entrepreneurship

Despite my parents' best efforts, we didn’t have enough resources to put all of us through school and college. Education back then wasn’t free and going to college was based on performance (and expensive!)  —so I was forced to step up and help out.

So I took my entire tuition grant that year and built a coin-operated pool table empire at the ripe age of 19. Picture this: me, crisscrossing Kenya in buses, hauling pool tables, and lugging duffle bags brimming with coins and stuffing them under my dorm room bed(because I didn’t even have a bank account!) It was quite the spectacle, I tell you 😆. 

Despite the fact that I had to keep this all quiet —because of the 300K+ under my bed in coins 🫣— this venture turned out to be a smashing success, putting me and my siblings through college and giving my parents a well-deserved boost. I was finally on the cusp of becoming the pool table kingpin of Kenya, but nature had other tricks up its sleeve.

What's a Green Card?

Fast forward a few years later and someone in my town sneakily entered me (alongside others) into the U.S. State Department's green card lottery (the one where you win a green card to come to the United States). By this time I had built yet another impressive business and it was finally on the verge of exploding. So to be fully transparent, I didn't feel like a winner at the time …and yet I'd hit the jackpot in life, quite literally. 

My first flight to America was the shortest 24hr flight I ever took. As I sat on that plane, nerves jangling, with a one-year-old son in my arms and a hundred bucks in my pocket, I was dead set on not just improving my family's life but also making a meaningful difference for others. It takes a village to do incredible work, but this time I had to do it alone. Without the support of everyone I know —my village.

Early on my journey involved epic culture shock plus a variety of menial jobs starting with a memorable misstep at a Subway interview (where I shot myself in the foot by asking what I believed was the "ultimate question for an interviewer" - "What's a sub?" - and sadly, the callback never came, LOL).

Early days in the US of A.

After migrating to the US in 2003, one of my first jobs was as a social worker for the Department of Mental Health, where I interacted heavily with Therapists on behalf of my clients. What I quickly learned was that Therapists don’t do this for the money. It is a really tough job that requires way more personal sacrifice than the compensation received. Being a Therapist is a true call to serve fellow human beings. During this time I was also aware of the significant shortage of Therapists which persists to date. I quickly found myself drowning in paperwork and spending way more time on typing on a computer rather than positively impacting my clients. In 2007 I pivoted from Mental Health to IT consulting where along with my cofounder Amy, we served healthcare providers in Private Practices. 

In early 2020 we launched a tech-enabled IOP Addiction Clinic using our software. We found success fairly quickly because we anticipated lockdowns and had prepared our software to operate fully virtually, payment workflows and all —the seamless transition was a proud moment for all of us as a team. 

Within a few months of lockdown we started getting inquiries from other providers about our software. The need in the market was clear and we felt obligated to share what we had built with the rest of the Mental Health tribe. It was time to stop trying to be the hero. We decided to be the best tech WINGMAN we could ever be, for these incredible Therapists. 

I currently serve as TiQ’s CEO (aka Chief Experience Officer) where everyday I get to live the NatureCrafted business dream I have sculpted for myself and those around me in 3 ways:
Creating platform that empowers these amazing Therapists to serve more people (with the same resources or less)
Empowering my team to be the best version of themselves as human beings wholistically
Building value for our Shareholders & Investors who continue to provide fuel to our fire

This is how I fulfill the challenge my beloved Guka set for me. I get to serve as many people as I possibly could through others. 

For a kid born with a unique hand, in a tiny one bedroom house, in a tiny town, in a 3rd world country —How freakin’ awesome is that! 

My Personal Core Truths

Adapt to your environment WHILE optimizing for happiness.
Things don’t get easier, you get better and better 🤸

No one is better or worse than you, just different.
Looking up to or down on anyone strips you of your own power.

You are the most fascinating aspect of your own universe.  Failing to explore your True Self handicaps you as an entrepreneur

You are 100% responsible for creating the life you want so stop reacting and learn how to start creating with intent.

Should is the most dangerous word. It forces conformity and discourages questioning.
Resist it with venom!

Move beyond just saying "anything is possible" to actively living like anything is possible.
Because it really is!

Remain rooted in the "sacred silence" during creation.
Without naysayers, your likelihood of success skyrockets

No one starts a business to become enslaved by it. Sculpt your business strategically avoid ending in shackles.

Stuff I rarely share:

⚽🏃I’m an absolute soccer nerd, not only have I coached youth soccer, I still play Sunday afternoon pickup soccer with the same group of guys for over 15 years (at one time exceeding 60 participants!). You’ll also catch me shamelessly watching all 10 Premier League games every weekend even though I passionately support just one team.

🧐This is soooo not a “dude thing” to disclose… but gender roles have always seemed odd to me ...so I openly admit that ironing clothes relaxes me ☺️(don’t ask me why… it just does).
I iron my kids' school clothes every Sunday as a sort of "reset" ritual for myself —and they get to go to school in ironed clothes.

🫣 2 weeks into first grade, I stumbled upon a doll's hand 🖐️ during my teacher's bathroom break. I playfully slipped it onto my "special" right hand, stood on my desk, & danced with both my hands up in the air. All 30 kids erupted into laughter, forcing my poor pregnant teacher to haul it 🏃💨 back to the classroom only to find me calmly seated 😇 while the rest of the class laughed uncontrollably on the floor.

I’m a self-taught deep meditator and can “drop in” for several hours at a time —undoubtedly one of the most fascinating and fundamental activities of my daily life.

My pool table business put me through college in more ways than one 🤭
Despite my hand, I have a really mean pool game and most people find out when it's too late 😉

As evident here ☝️, I've always comfortably and openly joked about my hand from a young age. Feel free to ask me anything, and don't be surprised if our conversation leads to laughter 😆.

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