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At the heart of Nate's approach lies his role as a storyteller. He leverages personal narratives and experiences to communicate powerful messages about the significance of vulnerability and courage in entrepreneurship, ensuring that his teachings are not only relatable but also captivating. Nate seamlessly integrates analogies, practical applications, and real-world examples, transforming intricate concepts into tangible and applicable insights for everyday life. His teaching style is characterized by humor, immersive and thought-provoking conversations, aiming to challenge and broaden perspectives.

As Featured In:

"With profound wisdom, Nate speaks from a place of depth and experience. He delivers his message in a way where you can't help but want to play in new possibilities. Experiencing Nate is magic."
Alexandria Agresta
Thought Leadership Expert & TEDx Speaker
Official Bio

Nate Maingi is a serial entrepreneur, innovator, and true visionary, whose philosophy revolves around the belief that technology's true purpose is to enrich our lives and make a positive impact rather than serve as an obstacle. With a keen eye for identifying trends and opportunities from a young age, Nate has successfully launched and exited several businesses across diverse industries. His ability to rally resources and networks to leverage opportunities has been evident since the age of 19.

With a wide-ranging skill set in business, Nate's greatest strength lies in creating technology solutions that tackle significant business challenges while providing ease and value to end-users. This philosophy serves as the cornerstone of his latest venture, Therapy iQ, an innovative practice management platform that is making waves in the Mental Health space. 

In addition to his entrepreneurial pursuits, Nate is a proponent of NatureCrafted Business, a concept he coined, which is a business built using principles that have the backing of evolution. He believes NatureCrafted ventures inevitably transform into a powerful force and shares practical strategies on how to stop struggling against the current and purposefully sculpt your business into a harmonious flow, just like a river flowing gracefully in nature.

Join Nate Maingi on a journey to transform your business into a force of nature, where innovation and sustainability converge to create lasting impact.

Keynote 1

From A Turbulent to A Thriving Practice:

Simple Tactics to Streamline Your Mental Health Practice, Leverage Technology & Return Back to Your Vision of Helping More People

Audience Best For: 
Mental Health Therapists, Practice Owners

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Keynote 2

Designing a NatureCrafted Business

Harnessing the Power of Nature's Principles to Create Unstoppable Success

Audience Best For:
Business Owners, Leaders, Visionaries

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Why hear Nate speak

"Nate's fearless vision and ability to see around corners guides our strategy with piercing clarity and conviction. He is an extraordinarily gifted thought leader."
Tyler Peterson
Sales Expert

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